博士大头照. 希瑟·达尔特兹微笑着,穿着一件蓝色运动夹克.

学生 & 教师

Director of 研究生 Programs is All 关于 Making Real-World Connections
带有卫报和联合标志的图形, 这款学生游戏赢得了今年的SIEGE silver - e奖.


Game 设计 Master’s 学生 Win at SIEGE Con’s Silv-E Awards for the Second Year
一个留着黑头发和胡子,戴着眼镜的男人, 紫色西装, and a white button down shirt while seated on a white couch against a brown background.


This Grad Hosts a Popular Morning Broadcast for Alabama Fox Affiliate
Featured story thumb - Meet the grads behind nigerias hit web series best friends in the world mob


Meet the Grads Behind Nigeria’s Hit Web Series ‘Best Friends in the World’
Featured story thumb - 教师 Spotlight Natly Torres Alvarado Mob

学生 & 教师

教师 Spotlight: Natly Torres Alvarado (Course Director, 企业家的法律问题)
满帆大学's Backlot in the evening filled with a full film production crew shooting a scene featuring two muscle cars, 一个红的,一个黑的.


丽贝卡花环 has brown hair and is wearing tortoiseshell glasses and a black blazer. 她在微笑.

学生 & 教师

重点教授:博士. 丽贝卡花环
毕业生丽莎·马斯基, a smiling woman with straight blond hair wearing a black three-quarter sleeve top seated against a grey backdrop.


Public Relations Master’s Grad Pivots from the 军事 to Public Relations
Grad Elle Simone Scott standing and smiling against a white backdrop while wearing a blue double-breasted chef's jacket with an America's Test Kitchen patch on the breast.


Elle Simone Scott将厨房与PBS的电影布景结合起来
托瑞斯会穿灰色细条纹西装配红色领带吗, 翻领上有一朵红色康乃馨, 和太阳镜.


How A 业务 Intelligence Grad Helps Verizon Execs Make Data-Driven Decisions
Featured story thumb - 满帆大学s Fitness 技术 Lab Powered By Echelon Fit Mob


满帆大学’s Fitness 技术 Lab Powered by Echelon Fit
毕业生悉尼菲利普斯, a woman with dark brown hair wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt and black over-ear headphones, is seated at a desk on her laptop in a press box overlooking athletes in uniform on a football field.


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