

今年的名人堂有100多个小组讨论和演讲, 互动活动, 网络的机会, 甚至还有几次含泪的获奖感言.

2023年名人堂入选者站在舞台上, 在一个大礼堂里被美丽的紫色灯光包围着. 观众在鼓掌.

名人堂13 -一个激动人心的一周充满机会的网络, 庆祝, 而教育——已经走到了尽头. 有会议风格的小组讨论和演示, 富有创意和吸引力的活动, 职业社交活动, 科技博览会, 实习机会,, 还有很多乐趣, 这一周,满帆社区在校园和网上聚集在一起. +, 整个星期都是通过名人堂直播记录下来的, YouTube直播了本周的专题讨论, 事件和活动亮点,, 当然, the ceremony that inducted this year's six new members of the 满帆大学 名人堂.


Several competitors sit on-stage at desks in front of large monitors looking very focused. 人群在欢呼.

The 满帆 Armada varsity teams competed at 游戏大厅 和 won the three main-stage matchups 和 prizes.

The week kicked off with 游戏大厅: Paragon on Sunday in the 满帆大学 Orl和o Health Fortress. 三支全帆舰队校队 Valorant, 击杀, 看守 – gave it their all 和 won the three main-stage matchups 和 prizes courtesy of MSI. 另外, 五名无敌舰队运动员获得了50美元的奖金,我代表奥兰多健康朱伊特矫形研究所提供了1万美元的奖学金.

但客人们不仅仅是看到了校园里一些最优秀的游戏玩家的比赛. 这里设置了几个免费游戏站, 红牛赛车模拟器, live-streamers, 一个社区 任天堂明星大乱斗. 比赛在场地外进行.

当学生们不支持他们最喜欢的球队或参加比赛时, they could treat themselves to one of the many treats offered by the food trucks or enter the raffle to win high-value prizes.


两名学生在科技博览会上试用声音工程设备. 他们都戴着耳机.

学生 had the opportunity to try 和 use different technologies at this year’s Tech Expo, 包括音响工程设备.

周一, all 学生 had the opportunity to explore the latest in gear 和 tech at the Tech Expo, 而那些即将毕业的校友, 能参加职业社交活动吗. 科技博览会上有几家备受尊敬的科技公司, 包括戴尔科技, 索尼, 和梯队. 有几个展位也有很多新技术, 包括VR眼镜和游戏电脑, 供学生试用和学习.

与此同时,招聘会还接待了众多公司,包括Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing 艺术s, the Milwaukee Bucks, the Walt Disney World Company. 这两个博览会都是学生们展示社交技能的绝佳机会, 问问题, 并更多地了解他们潜在的未来雇主.


A woman is reaching into a holographic circle on a wall that reads “Dear Future Me” 和 “You Are Magic.她面带微笑,穿着一身黑衣服.

The “Dear Future Me” booth encouraged 学生 to write aspirational letter to themselves 和 drop them in a mystical crystal ball.

学生 also had plenty of time to enjoy the many activities offered at the Creative Experience, 包括无声的迪斯科, 工艺品桌, 攀岩墙, 还是个漫画家. The very interactive “Dear Future Me” booth was a huge hit 和 let 学生 write aspirational letters addressed to themselves before dropping them in a mystical crystal ball. 这些信件将在一年内寄给学生.

几位服装比赛选手在舞台上热情地摆姿势. They are all wearing colorful 和 creative costumes that reference pop-culture or anime.

学生, 教师, 工作人员 congregated in the Fortress to compete for first place in the costume contest.

周四, 堡垒举办了一场cosplay服装比赛,学生们, 教师, 工作人员 dressed up as their favorite anime 和 pop culture characters to compete for first place. 学生 enjoyed coming together for the creative contest 和 rooting for their favorite character to win.


The 名人堂 inductees are sitting in a line on the stage with a moderator in front of a giant screen that reads: 满帆大学 名人堂. 他们都拿着麦克风,看起来很高兴能来.

On Tuesday, the 名人堂 inductees sat down together for an introductory panel. 从左, 维克多·埃雷拉·达席尔瓦, Caris贝克, 布兰登·布莱克威尔, 亚伦·汉密尔顿·库克, 德文请看, Jeff " Supa Jeff " Villanueva, 以及校友关系总监雪莉·坦特莱夫.

There were over 100 conference-style educational panels 和 presentations throughout the week, featuring 满帆 毕业生 who are accomplished professionals in the entertainment, 游戏, 设计, 科技产业.

小组成员和主持人布兰迪·普莱斯(Br和y Price)坐在礼堂的一张桌子旁. 布兰迪在讲话,小组成员都看着她的方向.

“你的技能值多少钱?? How to set your rates 和 get paid,” discussed setting rates, invoicing, paying taxes, more. 从左, 音乐商业课程主任布兰迪·普莱斯, 汤姆Todia, 布兰登·布莱克威尔, 马克Kilborn, 和费尔南多·德尔加多.

Orl和o-based creative agency Digital Brew Founder 和 Creative Director Michael Cardwell walked 学生 through his talk, 《十大菠菜台子》.” Michael advised his audience to “[Tell interviewers] how are you going to help them, 而不是他们怎么帮你.”

On Tuesday, the 名人堂 13 inductees came together for an introductory panel. 同时表达了他们对入选名人堂的感激之情, the inductees discussed the importance of developing your personal br和 和 how their career paths – 和 the technology they learned at 满帆 – have developed 和 shifted throughout the years. Caris贝克 noted that 满帆 taught her the importance of “learning to learn, 不仅仅是学习你需要知道的东西.”

菲尔Pallen, 菲尔·帕伦集团的品牌战略家, was on campus all week 和 gave several talks focused on developing your br和 和 building your dream career, including “Using Social 媒体 to Get Your Foot in the Door” on Tuesday 和 “A Beautiful Br和 to L和 Your Dream Career” on Thursday.


The 名人堂 inductees st和 with 全速航行总裁加里·琼斯 on the induction ceremony stages. 他们拿着奖杯对着镜头微笑.

The 名人堂 13 inductees made heartfelt speeches 和 received their awards at the 名人堂入会仪式. 左上起:布兰登·布莱克威尔, 维克多·埃雷拉·达席尔瓦, 全速航行总裁加里·琼斯, Caris贝克, 亚伦·汉密尔顿·库克, Jeff " Supa Jeff " Villanueva, 和德文请看.

星期四晚上, 学生, 毕业生, 工作人员, guests came together in the 满帆 Live venue to watch this year’s 名人堂 induction ceremony. 全速航行总裁加里·琼斯 和 Mayor of Winter Park Phil Anderson both made heartfelt speeches about the importance of passion 和 满帆’s commitment to its 学生 和 毕业生.

As each new 名人堂 inductee fought back their tears (unsuccessfully) while accepting their awards, they spoke sincerely 和 emotionally about how honored they were to receive a place in 满帆’s 名人堂.

“如果我在做梦的话,这就是我醒来的时间,”卡里斯·贝克说. “这当然是一个值得纪念的美丽夜晚, 入选名人堂是一种纯粹的喜悦.”

德文请看 shared what kept her inspired throughout her career: “As I always like to say, 追逐梦想是一段旅程. 它不是目的地……. (我祖父总是说)‘在正确的道路上你不会走错路.’”

“如果没有(我的父母),我就不会去上学,所以大声喊我的父母……. 我要感谢我所有的节目制作老师, 教练, 工作人员,布兰登·布莱克威尔在获奖感言中说道.

一个穿黑色运动上衣的人正在向人群中扔奖品. 舞台上有两台烟雾机. The audience is smiling 和 they are reaching towards the front of the stage to catch the prize.

Prize giveaways were just one of the highlights of the post-ceremony Student Block Party.

活动的高潮是一场大型街区派对,并伴有现场表演, 很多美味的食物, even a few giveaways for those who missed out on getting some exclusive 名人堂 swag during the week.

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