
Grad Hector Negron's Storytelling Journey Spans Volleyball, 品牌的故事, 和 Documentaries

体育营销 & 媒体 和 电影制作硕士 grad has put his dual degrees to good use on a wide range of passion projects.

Grad Hector Negron's Storytelling Journey Spans Volleyball, 品牌的故事, 纪录片-英雄形象

赫克托·内格伦讲故事已经很久了. 在波多黎各的国民警卫队服役期间, he wrote wrap-ups of the big military volleyball games he competed in against the Navy 和 the Marines. 后来他创立了 的SpikeNet, a digital destination for volleyball content 和 live event coverage. Today, he's working on a documentary about Puerto Rico, called 在同一页上, 和 telling the br和 story behind Unicorp National Developments, Inc. 担任公司的市场总监. It's a lot to tackle at once, but Hector is prepared thanks to his bachelor's degree in 体育营销 & 媒体电影制作硕士 出自《十大菠菜台子》.

After 13 years as a Supply Sergeant in the Army National Guard, Hector sustained a serious ankle injury 和 had to move on. He decided to go back to school, 和 满帆's 体育营销 & 传媒学士学位非常适合我. Hector could build off of the sports writing he'd done in the military 和 sharpen his marketing skills to create a fresh start as a civilian. As an added bonus, he could work hard for his daughter 和 inspire her to aim for higher education.

"Having [my daughter] was one of the reasons I went back to school,他说. "I couldn't ask my daughter to go to school, finish college, with a dad with no college education. 和她一起经历我的人生很重要."

Hector started working on his digital "baby," 的SpikeNet, while he was in the 体育营销 & 媒体计划. His instructor David Saphirstein assigned a business plan as homework, 赫克托提出了一个排球联盟的想法. Volleyball is considered a summer 和 Olympic sport in the US, but it's treated more like football or basketball in Puerto Rico. 他的教练很喜欢这个主意, 但是这个概念还没有完全准备好, 所以赫克托把这个项目放在脑后.

Eventually, he realized that no 新闻 outlets were covering volleyball in a serious manner. Hector had found an untapped market 和 was ready to address it. 他在YouTube上开设了一个专门的排球频道, then emailed the president of the Florida Region of USA Volleyball to let the organization know about it.

我写了一封电子邮件, 他们会忽略它, 第二天他们回信说, ‘嘿, 我们想和你谈谈,’”他说.

Hector set a meeting for a week later 和 spent the next seven days traveling to Miami, 盖恩斯维尔, 去坦帕采访球员和教练. He created a logo, a website with videos, 和 social media accounts. The hard work paid off, 和 Hector earned an ongoing partnership with the organization.

“我们每个月和他们一起报道两到三个活动, 我们和高绩效的团队一起旅行,他说.

That relationship got 的SpikeNet in front of the 国际 Volleyball 名人堂, 现在赫克托也和他们合作了. “我们采访名人堂成员. We do a recap of the events 和 we work the induction videos… We've been able to interview Olympians. 这里没有其他媒体,只有我们."

而SpikeNet是Hector最热衷的项目, he also loves his day job as the Marketing Director for Unicorp. The confidence he gained at 满帆 helped him l和 the position.

"A month before I graduated, they posted a job 和 basically they needed a marketing agency. 他们在找会ps的人, 插画家, 有In设计的工作经验,同时也从事编辑和写作. 我当时想,‘他们需要一家营销机构. 他们不可能把这种病传染给一个人.但我又想,等一下. 我可以这样做. 我知道该怎么做. 我联系了他们,一周后就得到了那份工作.'"

Hector's responsibilities at Unicorp include two to three days per week shooting 和 filming projects for Unicorp's public relations, 新闻, 以及社交媒体渠道. 他还设计传单, 更新公司网站, 并安排社交媒体内容和电子邮件. No matter what he's doing, Hector stays focused on telling Unicorp's story.

“他们(建造)建筑,但背后有意义. 他们创造了奥兰多之眼. 这些都是你可以见到你爱的人的地方, 你的老板, 你女儿的妈妈,这不是建筑. 对我来说,就是找到讲述这个故事的方法,”他说.

Between maintaining 的SpikeNet 和 telling br和 stories for Unicorp, Hector has also been devoting time to work on a documentary film. He started shooting 在同一页上 while he was getting his 电影制作硕士 at 满帆. The program's students had the option to do an indie project, 和 Hector got permission to go to Puerto Rico 和 film a documentary about the politics of his home isl和.

一周后, 他拍摄了约瑟·阿庞特Hernández的采访, 前圣胡安市长候选人, 以及参议员曼努埃尔·纳塔尔·阿尔贝洛. He also visited the head coach of the national volleyball team. The coronavirus p和emic paused Hector's filming schedule, but he's getting ready to submit what he has to film festivals.

Hector became the busy creator he is today by staying in the moment when he was at 满帆, 他认为现在的学生也应该这样做.

“如果你专注于‘我想为耐克做广告,' well you don't know when you're going to get that opportunity, 所以就在你现在的这张上做吧, 这条路会解决的."